Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Big Sur with my brothers and our loves

Pines regenerating with ash from a recent fire that burned all the way to the highway.

Found this guy in the road, led him to safety and then hung out and took some shots. He/she wasn't happy. I was...

Fat squirrels of the North Rim. So tame, like to harass the tourists while they're trying to have a nice lunch on a nearby rock.

He likes it!

"That's God", touts Crissy. The best site in all of Fernwood.

Lots of ferns and wood at Fernwood. Lots of fun.

My little photog.

Crissy makes it out of the confines of the conifer.

Amity shows off her Native American heritage on a hike.

Me and Crissy. Big Sur River in the background.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that first pic of the squirrel gives me the feeling that I'm riding it. Maybe going on a nut raid or off to battle some Jays.